Inspire Confidence Guarantee

The Inspire Confidence Guarantee means that your booking is protected if it's affected by Covid-19, and gives you the freedom to choose your next steps. If your booking has been affected, we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.


Option 1 - Amend Your travel dates
Postpone your trip to a later date,
with no admin fees.*


Option 2 - Amend Your destination
Arrange a new destination for your trip,
with no admin fees.*


Option 3 - Cancellation
If your booking is cancelled by a travel
supplier you are entitled to a full refund.


If you are unable to travel for personal reasons, we will work to limit the cancellation costs and will not charge you an admin fee.


Please note - Amending your holiday is a faster process than cancellation, refunds can only be processed once they have been returned to Inspire from the travel supplier. For the majority of suppliers credit notes can be issued immediately.


*Depending on the total cost of the new travel arrangements, you may be required to pay additional costs or be due a refund of the difference between your breaks.